Our Puppies

Daisy & Ronald’s Litter


Daisy’s pups from the previous litter!

Litter Details

Females: TBD!

Males: TBD!

Birthday potential: June 2025+-

Date of availability: August 2025+-


Price per puppy from this litter: $2000
Deposit: 500 (goes towards the purchase price)
Training: Additional; visit our Trained Puppies page for more details.

What's Included

Up-to-date vaccinations, veterinarian examination, health certificate. We give a buyer-friendly 12-40 month written health guarantee on hips, elbows, and eyes, and heart.

You can reserve your puppy with additional professional training! Visit our Trained Puppies page for more details.

Our goal is for you to be 100% happy and satisfied with your Golden Savannah puppy. Serious inquiries only.

Shipping Options

Puppy delivery via airplane to your closest major airport: $950 (some restrictions may apply)
Car delivery from our home to yours, up to 3 hrs: $500
Personal delivery by a Golden Savannah team member to your closest major airport: $1,300 (NOTE: this option is for 8-10 week old puppies only)